Want to find the right words and the safety to express your sensual longings and desires?
Start your journey here.
Let’s speak
- The freedom beyond shame -
A movie about sexual shame, longings, experiences and the huge desire to finally break free.
(In German with English subtitles)
From Katja in Cooperation with AYCC
Instant access. Unlimited access.
The OH YESSS … feeling of being lustfully yourself ...
enough, fearlessly sensual
Pure harmony with yourself ... and your partner
Is this even possible?
Yes! It is. Key ingredient: You. Accepting yourself, loving yourself, unlearning what society has told you and what past experiences made you believe.
Peeling off the shame, bit by bit. Feeling into your desires and sensual longings. Learning to love them, discovering your way to feel them, because they’ll guide you… to embrace into a new life and a new harmony in the bedroom and beyond.

Hi, I am Katja. And I am here to show you ...
… a new way to master your sensual life and intimacy so you can release shame around your longings and harmonize sexual imbalances in your relationship with yourself and your current or even future partner.
How? Through enjoying and loving yourself, exploring your desires, finding words for them, communicating, increasing your ability to nourish yourself with high sexual energy, better orgasms – so you can experience the freedom beyond body, gender and sexual shame and embrace the beauty of real pleasure and true intimacy – with yourself and your partner.
In case we haven’t met before. I’m Katja – the Intimacy Maestra.
You can find a proper intro right here.
Want that for you and your relationship?
Then book your free SHAME OFF – DISCOVERY SESSION now

"Life is too short and pleasure too sacred of missing out the opportunity to shame off and experience the freedom beyond."
Book your free SHAME OFF Discovery Session now, so you can break off the first layer and start your journey to sensual harmony and intimacy with yourself and your partner.